Our apartment out here is a little smaller than last year... but we are like 1 min away from our office for work so that's amazing.
Here is our living/family room...

Our kitchen.... we have a gas stove.... not sure if I am a fan

Our balcony over looking the street.... and a church is straight across the street.... so we get to hear the church bells.... every morning.... they never miss a morning.... didn't think churchs still rang bells..... but they DEFINITELY do!

I had to stack our movies.... there was no place to put them...haha!

Anyways- so in other news over here.... we sold Josh's truck about a month ago..... farewell to the giant blue beast... and hello to our new mustang. We thought it was a good idea to "downsize". Now we have cheaper tires and better gas mileage with the stang. It was a little sad for Josh when we said goodbye to his truck... he loved it so much.... but he is loving his new stang.
Farewell to the truck.....

Hello new stang.....

He has been pulled over twice over here acually...... but it was not for speeding..... Cali has a law that you are not allowed to talk on your cell phone while you are driving.... which is fine I guess....(safer drivers.... fewer accidents) but.... when you are not used to having that law...... when your phone rings...... your first instinct is to pick up. The first time was when he was driving over here to Cali- and the the 2nd time happened about 2 weeks and he luckily got out of it the 2nd time. Still kinda lame tho!
We did have some visitors for the 4th of the July. My two sisters Savanna and Ciera came over with our Friends Brad and Forrest. They stayed the weekend with us and we went to the beach and saw fireworks. It was great to spend the weekend with them.
We spent a day at the beach..... I got so sunburned....

Me with Savanna and Ciera....... and Ciera had a lovely tan on her legs...haha!

We played some beach volleyball... good times!

We bought the volleyball when we first got out here.... it is just like the one from Cast Away... with the bloody hand print.... and yes....... we refer to it as Wilson. Josh takes him everywhere.....haah! ok not really.... but he does keep it in his car so he always has it....haha!

We got this pizza here last year..... so we had to get it again when our visitors were here.... it's the biggest pizza I have ever seen.... and soooo good! The little one is just a normal size pizza..... that's how big it was.... it was awesome!

Josh works some long hours out here... He starts at 8:30 and doesn't get home til about 10pm at night sometimes.... So when he gets home.... he's pretty exhausted.... this is what happened one night.............

On Friday nights a few of us wives have been getting together and having cooking nights. The guys get home so late that we make lots for them when they get home. We have a good time! Aleece, Me and Chandee.....

The first time we made our own homemade pizza.... even the dough....(Chandee made it and it was amazing)

The pizzas were def a success!!

We have had lots of visits to the beach this summer.....
Chandee and Dawna with sweet Aiden..... relaxing in the sun.

Me Chandee and Aiden...

There was one night where a bunch of us went out to the beach when the guys got off work... so like 10 oclock.... and a bunch of them were acutally boogie boarding.... the beach was awesome at night..... a little scary but still way sweet. I was ofcourse freezing...... but Josh was having a ball with the boogie board....

Dawna me and Aleece.... staying close to keep warm.....

Well I think this may be the longest post I have ever done.....But there are some pics of our summer.... we have been having a blast! I can't believe it's almost over. Josh will be here another month....but I am actually coming home to AZ in about 2 weeks. The summer has seriously flown by.... I can't believe we'll be starting back up at school about a month. Crazy!! Anyways- farewell for now....... hope everyone has been having a great summer!